Sunday, October 2, 2011

Plano International Festival

I had a wonderful Saturday at the Plano International Festival!  Too many kids to count painted on my canvas, while friends from the Writer's Garret helped them write poems and stories inspired by the process.  I kept hearing things like "this is my favorite day," "this is fun," and "I want to do this every day!"  One nine-year-old boy stayed for about three hours, painting, dictating stories and poems, and telling me all kinds of things.  My favorite:  Mona Lisa's eyes follow you wherever you go.  NOTE:  the painting now lives in the conference room at the Writer's Garret, brightening poetry workshops and other creative gatherings.
Here are some pictures of the painting in progress:

1 comment:

  1. Update: the finished painting now hangs at the Writer's Garret, in the community room!
